I know this blog is called "bike rack around the world," and that the photo to the left is of actual bike rack.
This is not the bike rack I'm looking for.
(But I do appreciate Eugenie's efforts! Thanks lady! She took this photo while working abroad in Vancouver, Canada - in front of a restaurant I wish I had heard of before I went last year. Is this is a restaurant at a crime lab or is this thematic? Do they serve you soup while behind bars or while testing your DNA or running your profile?)
Anyway: I realize that this blog is dedicated to a very singular type of item, and said item may not be easily encountered all the time. That said, I still want you to send your photos in, people. Think: metal item that could be used as a bicycle rack but more commonly used as transportable barricade. I didn't say my obsession was normal.
Considering there is a blog out there called "Lawrence, Julie & Julia" about a guy who is watching the movie "Julie & Julia" every day for a YEAR, I don't think mine is too out there, right? Right? (Hello?)
ZERO bicycles out of four, although I'm inclined to give it half a bicycle for the lone bike lock left marooned on the actual racking structure.
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