Anyway. Looks like variety is the norm here: we have plenty of photos that show bike rack, in action! I'm tempted to dismiss a few of them: I mean, would you park your bike at the one below? That said, let's face it - I'm not really into the bike rack that racks bikes. Otherwise, this blog would be full of these kinds of photos.

The first several photos, we have some guards standing...err, guard in front of matching green rack. Bonus points for matching outfits. Who says that fashion can't be found in Berlin? (I'm guessing this is Berlin...) Munich! (I have been duly corrected. Thanks Hendrik!)
Also more bonus points for the supportive bits preventing tipping of bike rack. One of the worst things to happen with bike rack is having an oversize crowd push up against the rack, causing it to tip and lean dangerously (I mean, bully for the crowd advance, but the site guy is always having a heart attack about this). Having the support is great for those reasons...as long as someone else is setting it up.
Just saying.

Next up: police forces setting up candy-cane striped barricade at what I'm guessing is a police scene.
(All those hours of watching CSI:Miami are good for something. And not just for the nifty The Who theme song. Which is so good, I'm going to play it right now. "Won't Get Fooled Again." Turn up your speakers, get David Caruso glasses and go to town.)
I'll say this about the rack: good lord, that's unwieldy. Bike rack is ALREADY unwieldy, being metal, a weird large shape and usually heavy as hell. Adding a flat mesh panel to the bottom certainly can't help matters. Ugh. So not only do these dudes have to wear a fugly yellow reflective vest, they have to put this crap together?

And in the rain? I feel the pain. Now I see why Oktoberfest is necessary: to deal with the arduous bike rack assembly. Who needs a beer? THIS guy.
And now, for the "trending" portion of this post. Could it be that all this work is...inefficient?

I mean, I've seen those Das Auto commercials for Volkswagon. Those cars are efficient. This method of bike rack is...well, less so.
Which comes to: plastic bike rack. Yes, PLASTIC. BIKE. RACK.
OK, this may just be barricade, but I think this is a warning sign of things to come. I mean, the Germans are always on the cutting edge. Look at their cars - BMW, Mercedes...that same logic is certainly to apply to bike rack, right? Right? "Ultimate Driving Machine," (TM) meet "Ultimate Barricade System?"
Anyway, who knows what the future will hold, other than more bike rack. And so, for having bike rack that knows no shade of gray: THREE bicycles out of four. Well played, Germany. Well. Played.

Kind of a bike rack?
Hahaha. I especially enjoyed the "car alarm" sound it made at the end. Excellent.