S.Moss and T.Mounsey went to investigate the set-build for U2's 360 concert tour in Denver last month. Here are some insane stats courtesy of Sarah and The Denver Post (and, uh, Wikipedia):
- "The Claw" set: 360 degrees around (get it? 360? In the round??? They're so clever.)
- Takes 47 semi trucks to transport - with THREE sets leapfrogging the continent (see picture to right...that's a whole lotta carbon offsets, U2)
- Currently world record holder of the largest concert stage set-up
- Is the largest grossing concert ever at $558 million (worldwide)

(Note - the bike rack is a little hard to see, but it's being mobbed by the legions of crazy people, I mean fans, to the top left of the photo.)
And, check out that little mini-motorcade! Big Black Suburbans and all. How the hell do you get to be advance for rock stars? I want in!
More bike rack is protecting the giant trailers presumably being used for the band/roadies/groupies etc. Damn. I bet those double-wides are super sweet.
So, here's a photo of the sets - was all the hoopla worth it? Probably, as long as U2 didn't sing "Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of." Ugh. That song makes me cringe, every time.
For a set that makes J.J. Abram's "Cloverfield" monster look tame...wait, I'm judging bike rack, aren't I? I am. So where does that leave me...ah, yes. On one hand, I kind of want the fans to club Bono and The Edge over the head for Spiderman: The Musical; then again it wouldn't be the barricade of choice for rock stars and politicans alike. I guess I'll split the difference: TWO bicycles out of four.